Title Patients that have Experienced Trauma From Whiplash are More Likely to Exhibit Temporomandibular Symptoms
Clinical Question Could whiplash be a cause for TMD?
Clinical Bottom Line The development of TMD symptoms is common in whiplash patients.
Best Evidence  
PubMed ID Author / Year Patient Group Study type
(level of evidence)
24630163Sale/201415 years/51 patientsCohort Study
Key resultsTMD symptoms were significantly higher in patients compared to control participants at inception (44% vs 20%, P=0.005) and remained higher. There were no significant differences in disk displacement between groups either at inception (63% vs 53%) or at 15-year-follow-up (63% vs 55%).
Evidence Search ("temporomandibular joint"[MeSH Terms] OR ("temporomandibular"[All Fields] AND "joint"[All Fields]) OR "temporomandibular joint"[All Fields]) AND ("whiplash injuries"[MeSH Terms] OR ("whiplash"[All Fields] AND "injuries"[All Fields]) OR "whiplash injuries"[All Fields] OR "whiplash"[All Fields])
Comments on
The Evidence
Validity: The cohort study included 1-year and 15-year follow-ups for 60 participants. The follow-ups were consistent and included interview, clinical examination, and MR imaging. Risk of bias caused by attrition was small. Perspective: Based on this cohort studyl, the follow-up procedures demonstrate a reasonable representation on whether or not whiplash may be a cause for TMD. The 15-year follow up is useful in obtaining precise results. However, the number of participants was only 51 and may not have fully represented the relationship between whiplash and TMD.
Applicability These results should be kept in mind when a practitioner is evaluating a TMD patient with a whiplash history. They may have a significant impact on the liability and which insurance company should pay for treatment.
Specialty (General Dentistry)
Keywords temporomandibular, TMD, whiplash, disk displacement
ID# 2891
Date of submission 04/10/2015
E-mail nguyentk@livemail.uthscsa.edu
Author Thi Kim Ly Nguyen
Co-author(s) e-mail
Faculty mentor Edward F. Wright, DDS, MS
Faculty mentor e-mail WrightE2@uthscsa.edu
Basic Science Rationale
(Mechanisms that may account for and/or explain the clinical question, i.e. is the answer to the clinical question consistent with basic biological, physical and/or behavioral science principles, laws and research?)
None available
Comments and Evidence-Based Updates on the CAT
None available